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(1)      机器人嗅觉:气味/气体检测、识别与追踪

(2)      /触觉情感计算:嗅觉/触觉诱发的情绪识别与调控

(3)      水下机器人系统:AUV环境感知、定位、建模与控制

(4)      数字嗅觉:气味存储、编码/解码与展现


(1)      面向***的电子鼻技术,军委科技委**项目(批准号:***2022-2024,负责人。

(2)      面向深海区域混合结构探测的多关节潜器研发,国家重点研发计划项目(批准号:2017YFC0306200):2017-2021,负责人。

(3)      三维时变气流环境下机器人寻踪气味源方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:61573253):2016-2019负责人

(4)      突发毒害气体泄漏源快速远程定位及应急防护系统,天津市科技支撑项目(批准号:2007AA04Z219):2014-2016,负责人。

(5)      室外动态气流环境下多机器人嗅觉极值搜索,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(批准号:20120032110068):2012-2015,负责人。

(6)      动态气流环境中机器人主动嗅觉鲁棒寻源方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:60875053):2009-2011,负责人。

(7)      气味寻踪机器人系统关键技术研究,十一五“863项目(批准号:2007AA04Z219):2007-2010,负责人。

(8)      机器人主动感知技术,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(批准号:NCET-07-0600):2007-2010,负责人。

(9)      基于混沌编码的机器人实时导航用无串扰声纳系统研究,国家自然科学基金项目(批准号: 60475028):2005-2007,负责人。

(10)   移动机器人嗅觉传感器阵列与味源定位策略研究,十五“863”项目极限环境下面向危险品检测的多感官机器人系统(编号2006AA04Z221)子课题,负责人。

(11)   移动机器人全局定位与位姿跟踪新方法的研究,教育部留学回国人员科研启动经费:2005-2006,负责人。

(12)   以移动机器人作为实例的基于INTERNET的远程实验,基于实际课题的中德人员互访PPP 项目:2004-2005,负责人。

(13)   海上导航灯器信息检测及通用型控制器研发,天津开发区瑞锋科技有限公司:2004-2005,负责人。

(14)   LearNet,德国八所大学合作开发的基于互联网的教学实验开发项目:2001-2003,负责人。



(1)      孟庆浩, 李吉功, 张勇, 王阳. 机器人主动嗅觉. 国防工业出版社, 2022.

(2)      孙以材, 刘新福, 孟庆浩. 传感器非线性信号的智能处理与融合. 冶金工业出版社, 2010.

(3)      现代传感技术及应用(负责第六章移动机器人传感器. 化学工业出版社, 2008.

(4)      孙以材, 刘玉岭, 孟庆浩. 压力传感器的设计制造与应用. 冶金工业出版社, 2000.



[1]      Y. K. Li, Q. H. Meng, Y. X. Wang, T. H. Yang, H. R. Hou. MASS: A multi-source domain adaptation network for cross-subject touch gesture recognition. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023, 19(3): 3099-3108.

[2]      S. Jin, X. Y. Dai, Q. H. Meng. “Focusing on the right regions” - Guided saliency prediction for visual SLAM. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 213: 119068.

[3]      M. Jabeen, Q. H. Meng, T. Jing, H. R. Hou. Robot odor source localization in indoor environments based on gradient adaptive extremum seeking search. Building and Environment, 2023, 229: 109983.

[4]      Z. Yan, Q. H. Meng, T. Jing, S. W. Chen, H. R. Hou. A deep learning-based indoor odor compass. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 2505410.

[5]      S. Jin, X. Y. Dai, Q. H. Meng. Loop closure detection with patch-level local features and visual saliency prediction. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 120: 105902.

[6]      X. Deng, Q. H. Meng, T. Jing, H. R. Hou. A portable e-nose endowed with subjective evaluation function of air quality in vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71: 2507911.

[7]      H. R. Hou, Q. H. Meng, L. C. Jin. A double triangular feature-based sensor sequence coding approach for identifying Chinese liquors using an e-nose system. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(5): 3878-3887.

[8]      Y. K. Li, Q. H. Meng, T. H. Yang, Y. X. Wang, H. R. Hou. Touch gesture and emotion recognition using decomposed spatiotemporal convolutions. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71: 2500809.

[9]      Y. X. Wang, Y. K. Li, …, Q. H. Meng. Multitask touch gesture and emotion recognition using multiscale spatiotemporal convolutions with attention mechanism. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 16(15): 16190-16201.

[10]   H. R. Hou, Q. H. Meng, B. Sun. A triangular hashing learning approach for olfactory EEG signal recognition. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 118: 108471.

[11]   X. N. Zhang, Q. H. Meng, M. Zeng. A novel channel selection scheme for olfactory EEG signal classification on Riemannian manifolds. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 046006.

[12]   S. Jin, Q. H. Meng, X. Y. Dai, H. R. Hou. Safe-Nav: learning to prevent point goal navigation failure in unknown environments. Complex & Intelligent System, 2022, 8: 2273-2290.

[13]   H. R. Hou, R. X. Han, X. N. Zhang, and Q. H. Meng. Pleasantness recognition induced by different odor concentrations using olfactory electroencephalogram signals. Sensors, 2022, 22: 8808.

[14]   X. Y. Dai, Q. H. Meng, S. Jin, et al. Camera view planning based on generative adversarial imitation learning in indoor active exploration. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 129: 109621.

[15]   K. X. Liu, H. Y. Wang, …, Q. H. Meng. Development and trials of a novel deep-sea multi-joint autonomous underwater vehicle. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 265: 112558.

[16]   L. Cheng, Q. H. Meng, A. J. Lilienthal, et al. Development of compact electronic noses: a review. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32: 062002.

[17]   H. R. Hou, Q. H. Meng, P. F. Qi, T. Jing. A hand-held electronic nose system for rapid identification of Chinese liquors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 2006411.

[18]   Y. B. Liu, M. Zeng, Q. H. Meng. Unstructured road vanishing point detection using convolutional neural networks and heatmap regression. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 5002708.

[19]   J. Y. Wang, Q. H. Meng, X. W. Jin, et al. Design of handheld electronic nose bionic chambers for Chinese liquors recognition. Measurement, 2021, 172: 108856.

[20]   Y. K. Li, Q. H. Meng, H. W. Zhang. Touch gesture recognition using spatiotemporal fusion features. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 22(1): 428-437.

[21]   H. R. Hou, Q. H. Meng. A double-square-based electrode sequence learning method for odor concentration identification using EEG signals. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 2510110.

[22]   X. N. Zhang, Q. H. Meng, M. Zeng, H. R. Hou. Decoding olfactory EEG signals for different odor stimuli identification using wavelet-spatial domain feature. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2021, 363: 109355.

[23]   X. Y. Dai, Q. H. Meng, S. Jin. Uncertainty-driven active view planning in feature-based monocular vSLAM. Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 108(1): 107459.

[24]   T. Jing, Q. H. Meng, H. Ishida. Recent progress and trend of robot odor source localization. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2021, 16(7): 938-953.

[25]   L. Yu, Q. H. Meng, and H. W. Zhang. 3-Dimensional modeling and attitude control of multi-joint autonomous underwater vehicles. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9: 307.

[26]   Y. B. Liu, M. Zeng, Q. H. Meng. D-VPnet: A network for real-time dominant vanishing point detection in natural scenes. Neurocomputing, 2020, 417: 432-440.

[27]   J. Y. Wang, Q. H. Meng, B. Wu, et al. A novel indoor smell regulation method. AIP Advances, 2020, 10: 105226.

[28]   H. R. Hou, A. J. Lilienthal, Q. H. Meng. Gas source declaration with tetrahedral sensing geometries and median value filtering extreme learning machine. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1): 7227-7235.

[29]   H. R. Hou, X. N. Zhang, Q. H. Meng. Olfactory EEG signal classification using a trapezoid difference based electrode sequence hashing approach. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2020, 30(3): 2050011.

[30]   H. R. Hou, X. N. Zhang, Q. H. Meng. Odor-induced emotion recognition based on average frequency band division of EEG signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2020, 334: 108599.

[31]   Y. J. Liu, M. Zeng, Q. H. Meng. Electronic nose using a bio-inspired neural network modeled on mammalian olfactory system for Chinese liquor classification. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(2): 025001.

[32]   J. Y. Wang, M. Zeng, Q. H. Meng. Latticed mode: A new control strategy for wind field simulation in a multiple-fan wind tunnel. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(8): 085104.

[33]   J. G. Li, M. L. Cao, Q. H. Meng. Chemical source searching by controlling a wheeled mobile robot to follow an online planned route in outdoor field environments. Sensors, 2019, 19(2): 426.

[34]   H. R. Hou, Y. Tong, C. Ren, Q. H. Meng. A gas source declaration scheme based on a tetrahedral sensor structure in three-dimensional airflow environments. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(2): 024104.

[35]   H. R. Hou, B. Sun, Q. H. Meng. Slow cortical potential signal classification using concave–convex feature. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2019, 324: 108303.

[36]   B. Luo, Q. H. Meng, J. Y. Wang, et al. A flying odor compass to autonomously locate the gas source. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2018, 67(1): 137-149.

[37]   Y. J. Liu, Q. H. Meng, X. N. Zhang. Data processing for multiple electronic noses using sensor response visualization. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(22): 9360-9369.

[38]   Y. J. Liu, Q. H. Meng, P. F. Qi, B. Sun, X. S. Zhu. Using spike-based bio-inspired olfactory model for data processing in electronic noses. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(2): 692-702.

[39]   J. Y. Wang, B. Luo, M. Zeng, Q. H. Meng. A wind estimation method with an unmanned rotorcraft for environmental monitoring tasks. Sensors, 2018, 18(12): 4504.

[40]   Y. Song, B. Luo, Q. H. Meng, et al. A rotor-aerodynamics-based wind estimation method using a quadrotor. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018, 29(2): 025801.

[41]   J. Y. Wang, Q. H. Meng, B. Luo, et al. A multiple-fan active control wind tunnel for outdoor wind speed and direction simulation. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89(3): 035108.

[42]   H. R. Hou, Q. H. Meng, M. Zeng, B Sun. Improving classification of slow cortical potential signals for BCI systems with polynomial fitting and voting support vector machine. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2018, 25(2): 283-287.


(1)      一种基于单目摄像头辅助的机器人定位方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201910994961.1.

(2)      一种基于移动机器人的指针仪表检测与读数识别方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201910866810.8.

(3)      一种便携式电子鼻富集装置温度补偿方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201910760939.0.

(4)      一种基于TDLAS传感器的气体泄漏源搜索方法. 中国发明专利, ZL2018116001199.8.

(5)      一种可用于多电子鼻平台的图像化白酒识别方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201810276780.0.

(6)      一种基于仿生嗅球模型和卷积神经网络的电子鼻识别方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201810228239.2.

(7)      一种用于在线白酒识别的手持电子鼻. 中国发明专利, ZL201710547486.4.

(8)      基于三维移动传感器节点的气体泄漏监测与定位方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201710575105.3.

(9)      一种基于响应曲线微分特性的电子鼻采样数据预校验方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201610663135.5.

(10)   一种气味来源三维方向检测方法. 中国发明专利, ZL201710173931.5.

(11)   一种电子鼻仿生呼吸采样方法. 中国发明专利, CN201610662961.8.

(12)   用于三维环境中气味源方向指示的检测方法. 中国发明专利, CN201610815146.0.

(13)   旋翼无人机机载三维气味来源方向检测方法. 中国发明专利, CN201610845950.3.



(1)      线性系统理论 (硕士研究生)

(2)      机器人学导论 (本科生)

(3)      MCS-51单片微型计算机原理及应用 (本科生)

(4)      控制系统计算机仿真与辅助设计 (本科生)

(5)      移动机器人技术基础 (本科生)

(6)      计算机控制系统(本科生)



(1)      智能机器人系统(博士生)

(2)      自主机器人感知与导航(硕士生)(全英文授课)

(3)      计算机控制理论与应用 (本科生)



